Your diet and sex

autor: • 29 listopada 2016 • Facet, NajnowszeKomentarze: (0)

Erectile dysfunction is a problem experienced by about 10% of the population. It is estimated that in Poland it is faced by 2,5 million men. As it turns out, a well balanced diet can help keep it at bay.

For years people have believed that some of the products we use every day preparing our food or tea, can be a natural method of arousing both the senses and desire. It is widely believed that aphrodisiacs influence the intensity of felt stimuli and enhance sexual prowess. They also arouse through visual, olfactory and gustatory associations.

Some History
Even in the times of ancient Rome, ginger was added to aromatic baths to kindle the senses of lovers. During the middle ages, the skills required to prepare magical potions which enhanced the libido, were the domain of witches.
The typical ingredients of such potions included: tree sap, tomatoes (also known as the apples of love), oysters, lizards, quails, beans and a strand of hair that used to belong to the man the potion was meant for.
Popular aphrodisiacs include food, spices, herbs, drinks, as well as various medicines and cosmetics. They all vary in the way they’re ingested, how they work, as well as their potency. Properly matched and exquisitely served, they can awaken a true volcano of passion.
In ancient Greek and Roman culture, the walnut served as a fertility symbol and a permanent element of wedding ceremonies. The Romans and Greeks traditionally showered newlyweds with walnuts in order to ensure them a satisfying sex-life and fertility. The smell and taste of vanilla raises the libido and stirs desire, and it’s no surprise that it’s a common ingredient of perfumes. Chili owes its huge popularity in part to ancient Indian beliefs that its regular ingestion enhances virility. Chocolate contains phenethylamine, a neurotransmitter also known as “the hormone of love”. Fruit amplify our drive to make love. If a pair of lovers shares a fruit salad made from, for example, bananas, mangoes, peaches and melons, they may feel their amorous energy rising.

We have a problem
Erectile dysfunction may concern people of any age, younger men ¬– those still before thirty, mostly experience it because of mental reasons, older ones – over forty, as a consequence of the many civilizational disorders they face, such as diabetes or atherosclerosis.
Other factors may include stress, speed of life, inappropriate diet and a lack of physical activity.
A healthy lifestyle, exercise and watching what’s on your plate may effectively minimize the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Zinc and selenium
We are particularly vulnerable to the deficiency of these two key elements not only due to stress, but also – note – an active sex life! Zinc is present in large amounts in the prostate and is strongly associated with the production of the male hormone – testosterone, which is responsible for sex drive. A very rich source of zinc is seafood, often deemed a strong aphrodisiac. Our diet should include oysters, shrimp, lobster or salmon.
Selenium, on the other hand, is a very powerful antioxidant present in the seminal fluid. Every ejaculation depletes its supply, so it’s important not to exclude products such as eggs, whole grains, asparagus and garlic from our menu.

Vitamin E and spices
It helps in the proper synthesis of sex hormones, is a powerful antioxidant, thus reducing the risk of lifestyle diseases. Products such as almonds or sunflower seeds can be very helpful in providing the appropriate dose of the vitamin.
Although spices are used primarily as a flavoring, they can be a great ally in the fight against erectile dysfunction. Ginger, turmeric and nutmeg contain substances increasing genital blood flow. They can also act as an aphrodisiac.
Ginseng, guarana and damiana are also a great option as they stimulate the production of neurotransmitters responsible for normal sexual impulses.
Cocoa and proteins
Cocoa beans contain substances that act as vasodilators, that is, they improve blood circulation in the penis and prolong the duration of an erection. Similar effects can be obtained with agrinine, which constitutes nearly 80 percent of seminal fluid – it, on the other hand, occurs in products that contain complete protein. A good choice here would be lean fish, cottage cheese, or white meat.

A glass of red wine
A small amount of liquor relaxes and improves blood circulation . Consumed 30-40 minutes prior to intercourse it can work wonders.

Oily fish and flaxseed oil
These products are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol, efficiently fight atherosclerosis, helping blood vessels operate in full swing. Although they do not improve libido immediately after eating, they work well as a long-term preventive measure.

What to avoid?
Sweets and highly processed products such as white bread or wheat pasta, may expose us to the emergence of civilization diseases. They also rapidly raise insulin levels, so their intake just before intercourse can lower our performance.
Deep-frying is also not the best option.
It should also be noted that physical activity is not without significance. Although sex can be treated as a pretty intense effort, but other than that, you may also want to regularly do Cardio workouts like running, cycling or swimming. This will improve the work of the parasympathetic system and the efficiency of the heart and blood vessels.
Many components of the diet may be beneficial to our sexual activity. On the other hand overeating, and obesity weaken it.
In obese men testosterone levels fall and levels of female sex hormones – estrogen, produced in fat tissue increase. People who are overweight and obese have a greater risk of atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is very important for men with lesions and may cause erectile dysfunction – narrowing the already narrow vessels of the penis impedes the flow of blood to the corpora cavernosa, which is necessary for an erection. Erectile dysfunction often precedes the symptoms of coronary heart disease by two years.
It should also be noted that many of the drugs used in obesity-related diseases may adversely affect our libido. These include medications for high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, anti-depression medication.

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