HIIT: Interval training
High intensity interval training is becoming more popular, such exercise does not need any special equipment, the duration of the exercise is very short – usually no more than 10-15 minutes, and in addition gives excellent results in the form of burning body fat and increasing strength.
During this kind of effort the bulk of energy comes from anaerobic processes. How, then, can it burn fat? Indeed, this process does require oxygen conversions. Let’s take a closer look at anaerobic training.
How does it work?
In the first few seconds of effort, energy is extracted from stored ATP, then the body reaches for the high-energy bonds of phosphocreatine, but after 10 seconds even these run out. Next goes the stored glycogen. Such intensive work causes the rapid acidification of the body (typical of anaerobic exercise), which effectively makes it difficult or even impossible for the muscle to continue working. It turns out that the above-mentioned energy substrates do not include fat. We need to look at this from a broader perspective:
Burning fat can be seen in three ways:
First of all – during exercise and immediately after its completion.
Second – within 24 hours after its completion.
Thirdly – in the long-term (several-week-long dimension).
Step by step
In contrast to aerobic training that burns fat only during exercise, anaerobic exercise produces a so-called oxygen debt, which allows you to take the body from a reduced pH state and remove products of anaerobic post-exercise transformations. Very high oxygen consumption after training has a profound effect on fat burning! It is not burned during the exercise, but after its completion and for several hours at that! Some studies show that one session can increase a person’s metabolic rate by up to 15 percent for a period of up to 24 hours. It is worth noting that, in this period, fatty acids are the favored energy source of the body.
HIIT in practice
Choose an instrument or use the stadium, or a clearing in the forest. You only need to be able to control time intervals. You can use a specific heart rate monitor or an ordinary wall clock. Remember that this type of effort is really tiring. At the beginning I suggest a period of high and the average activity interlaced at a ratio of 1:3. When you increase your efficiency, there is nothing to prevent you from training at a ratio of 1:2 or even 1:1. Start with 1-2 sessions per week. Perform them only on days off of other activities, otherwise you can easily overtrain. Do not forget about a meal either, never do HIIT on an empty stomach.
Sample workouts can look like this:
Example I (for advanced users)
5 minutes warm-up – jog.
one interval
40s high activity – running at maximum speed.
40s average activity – jog.
Repeat interval 6-8 times.
At the end, walk briskly (3-5 minutes), which will calm the body.
Example II (for beginners)
5 minutes warm-up – jog.
one interval
20s high activity – running at maximum speed.
60s average activity – jog.
Repeat interval 5-6 times.
At the end, walk briskly (3-5 minutes), which will calm the body.
Of course, the basis of the workout does not have to be running, you can use a stationary bike, a rower, swimming pools or even climb stairs in a tall building.
When you are able to complete this plan you can extend the length of the interval, change the ratio of periods of high and low activity, add more intervals. The possibilities are truly enormous.